Saturday, August 4, 2007

Summary of Discussion (E-Activity 1) by Ms Azra Naseem

In E-Activity 1 we asked you to share your experiences of ICT integration by answering 6 questions:
Use in Teaching – what, why and how?
Use by Students – what, why and how?
Benefits for Teaching
Benefits for Students
Benefits for School
We noticed that almost all of you have used ICT in your teaching. The commonly used application was PowerPoint. Other applications include word processors, educational CDs, web, digital cameras, movie maker, and databases.
Qurban has used a number of multimedia software not only for teaching but also for research. Sadia shared examples of how she has used PowerPoint in her teaching. Kishwer also made her topic interesting for students by incorporating PowerPoint in her lesson. It became a source of motivation for her students. Munazza has used PowerPoint to teach the concept of solar system to grade III. Shaista uses PowerPoint and “for extracting information related to [her] subject and lesson planning [she] uses the Internet. [she] also uses word processor and spread sheets for preparing assignments, worksheets for the students.” (Re: Q 1. ICT use in Teaching - Shaista Shahab (7/17/2007 9:57AM GMT))
We also noted Nazia and Safia making a commitment to continue using ICT: “i will continue planning these kind of activities for them so that their learning can get improved.” (Re: Q 1. ICT use in Teaching - Nazia Saleem Khoja (7/10/2007 6:08AM GMT)); Safia: “in future i will continue and develope the use of ICT in my teaching.” (Re: Q 1. ICT use in Teaching - Safia Khatoon (7/21/2007 8:36AM GMT))
Your students use ICT regularly, except where they are very young and are learning basic ICT skills: For instance, we noted that Arif’s students are beginning to learn ICT skills: “lot of students can’t operate computer but this is challenge so we use ICT in class room because they use Paint and making image so” (Re: Q 2. ICT use by your Students - Arif Qureshi (7/13/2007 5:04AM GMT)).
While discussing the use of technology by students in his class, Roman made an important observation: “Our students are well equipped and well informed about computer studies infact I at times do believe that they are more informed than us teachers” (Re: Q 2. ICT use by your Students - Roman Bernard Rodrigues (7/11/2007 2:52PM GMT)). This observation has implications for the role of teacher, students and technology in class. Also, Amina made a powerful suggestion: “Is it possible that the students themselves choose a topic of their interest, related to the topics being covered under teachers guidance? This would ensure each student has an individual topic to research.” (Re: Q 2. ICT use by your Students - Amina Khalfe (7/12/2007 6:53AM GMT))
A number of benefits were highlighted. For instance,
· Encourages active participation from all students
· Develops ICT skills which students need
· Updating our knowledge, seeking ideas for teaching and enhancing content knowledge
· Sharing ideas with others and seeking their feedback
· Students’ motivation for learning is enhanced
· Efficiency is increased
· Builds students’ confidence
· Cater to mixed ability learners
· Can show processes that are not possible otherwise
· School’s prestige is increased
· Enables effective utilization of resources
Roman drew our attention to the way we use technology in class: “I guess there is not much difference in chalkboard teaching and my teaching, i feel that I have replaced the chalkboard with my powerpoint slide show-is it ICT????” (Re: Q 3. ICT benefits for Teaching - Roman Bernard Rodrigues (7/11/2007 3:05PM GMT))
A number of challenges were shared in relation to the following:
· Lack of resources
· Teachers’ preparedness to accept change
· Lack of interest among students
· Scheduling of lessons/ time
· Curriculum
· Management support
· Class management
· Own readiness to integrate ICT
We encourage you to revisit your posts and read the replies of your fellow CPs and tutors.

1 comment:

Arif Qureshi said...

Hi Romman
your Summary of Sicussion is longer and show your activities this is very helpful and nice.