Saturday, July 14, 2007

E-Activity 1

Q-1: Have you ever used ICT in your teaching? Describe what, why and how you used it.
Yes, I do use ICT in my teaching, since I am teaching science mainly Physics and most of my lessons I do conduct in the AV room which is well equipped with multimedia/OHP/DVD so most of my presentation is either using PowerPoint or transparencies at times I do take my students to the laboratory for practical demonstration.
Students are given research assignments on regular basis and are free to surf on net to get as much information as possible.
Very recently the school has ordered for some digital microscope, which we do plan to use it in future it is quite helpful for teachers to explain since the microscope is linked up to multimedia and the teacher can explain all his/her students together instead of calling up students in groups (which is quite inconvenience at times)-the students too have access to these multimedia microscope through which they can take snap shot or make movie (if live cells) label it separate the cells save it on to their flash drives and take print outs which could be submitted along with their assignments or even give a presentation.

Q-2: Have your students ever used ICT for school assignments? Describe what, why and how they used it.
Yes the students have used ICT for school assignments, as regularly we keep giving them some re-search assignments in all subject area-the students submit these assignments in booklet form taking helpfrom the internet.
On project day our students give presentation of their projects through power point.

Q-3: What do you think are the benefits of using ICT for your teaching and why?
I personally find a lot of benefit using ICT in my teaching, some of them I would like to share it
The students now find the subject that I teach more interesting, since it is presented on the power point and I try to make every slide look good with pictures and colorful
I am able to complete my topic well before time-or I am able to complete more topics in less amount of time after which I throw in an assignment, which is also displayed through PowerPoint.
My class management problems have been solved through ICT, since the students have very little leisure time and are kept busy through out the lesson
The students are also given a chance to give their presentation through PowerPoint which helps build up confidence and develops leadership qualities in them.

Q-4: What do you think are the benefits of using ICT for your students and why?
There are several benefits of using ICT especially from the student’s perspective.
It makes the subject more interesting and easy to understand
Students when told to give a presentation using ICT, helps them in gaining confidence and they develop leadership qualities
They become independent learner when they are told to prepare a re-search assignments in booklet form for which they surf through the net

Q-5: What do you think are the benefits of using ICT for your school and why?
I think there are many benefits of using ICT in my school, as it is the future or the need for tomorrow and as far as my knowledge serves me right it has been included in the curriculum in many countries of Europe, Asia and Africa and in fact is made a compulsory form of teaching, so if we do not update or upgrade ourselves we would lag behind and education is an ongoing process, so I believe that we should catch up or move together along with the developing world and make it compulsory in our teaching who knows perhaps in future we may see students coming to school with laptops instead of heavy bags and books (or I guess they have already started to...)

Q-6: What are some of the challenges for you to use ICT in teaching? List at least three challenges.
Some of the challenges that I do/will face when using ICT in my teaching are
Lack of discipline-students will show excitement and perhaps loose control over themselves, which could lead to problems and create a bad impression amongst management
Trying to convince my fellow teachers/colleague to use ICT- as discussed in our sessions that we prefer to be in this comfort zone and why must we tax ourselves?
When shared this amongst students in groups I feel that one student in particular will be dominating and others would not pay much attention or will be passive, complaining or will least bother as what is going on. (Taking example of the use of multimedia microscope when asked to share it)

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