Friday, July 13, 2007


Day 2: Reflections on Day 1 fsf session
I felt the session started off well, with all the participants being introduced by one-another this gave us the opportunity to know about our colleague in person before being introduced to the class.
The sessions in between refreshment and lunch was not too taxing and was held with good pace, I felt that I was NOT press for time. (Well organized)
The tutors were very helpful in solving our problems with the computer also they were very friendly and patient (all cheers to them)
In all I enjoyed my first day at the IED for the ICT programme and I look forward to it.
What did not go well and why?
I thought the Library session was not organized as well as it should have, there was some misunderstanding or the librarians were not prepared to explain things to us (though towards the end they did try their level best to get over with it) we were told that we would be issued library cards and perhaps could be allowed to take books, then I was told that the identification card was good enough to borrow books from the library (which also was not issued to us as well)
I did have some problems in posting my reply on Expectation to Mr Anthony, which till the end of the day was not posted (I do hope these technical faults which is quite frequent when using PC does not occur in future)
What changes would you like to see in today's session?
Well today's session has started off well and I do hope that it continues from where we left off yesterday-I would not like to see much change its moving along well for me, and I am enjoying it so far
Any other comment?????
Well all the tutors are doing an excellent job and I am very comfortable working with them, the hand outs given to us covers a wide range of questions that tells us about the ICT -looking forward to the ICT programme

Day 3: Reflections on Day 2 fsf session
The session on day 2 was very informative, especially the last session on integration of library with computer studies, what I was not aware of.
The activities conducted by Mr Umer Darazand Mr Anthony Giokowas also quite interesting-In groups we shared some ideas and one of us had to present it to the class (it kept us quite active)
These activities can be carried out in class as well, and some of us I am sure are already doing so. The challenges that I will face in the use of ICT is trying to convince our teachers as discussed earlier we teachers prefer to be in the comfort zone and introducing computers will be an added responsibility which all of us may not want to take it, but if we provide some incentives to these teachers who use ICT in their teaching and show some encouragement will perhaps change their views. The incentive need not be monitory but we could upgrade these teachers by giving them a higher designation (to set up examples to others)
The other challenge that I would face is from the students and management, class control could be one of the problems in using ICT this could be sorted out by organizing ourselves and getting some additional help from another teacher (have at least two teachers in class) with this the management may not agree, also the class being too noisy could also lead to problems for teachers from the management but the teacher should be very convincing in getting the management to understand the importance of ICT
The most important thing that I learnt from the session was the role of us teachers as leaders and the steps that should be taken to initiate ICT in school

Day 4: Reflections on Day 3 fsf session
The session on day 3 started off with f2f reflection on day 2 we had to answer some questions put by Mr. Anthony Gioki followed by presentations from four students of the previous batch (ICT -2006) they shared some of there experience with us while doing this course also its implementation in their schools, it was quite helpful. The next session was preparing our learning contract this session was conducted by Ms Azra Naseem and she formed groups together with my peers we decided the topics to choose for our learning contract with help from Ms Azra Naseem and Mr. Anthony Gioki, we were also told about our individual tutors and we should keep in contact with them through out the course, finally Ms Azra Naseem did give us a sample of a learning contract which was prepared by student of the previous batch, this gave us an idea of how do we go about it-it was decided that the contract should be e-mail to our respective tutors by the 21st of July 2007-looking forward for today’s session on day 4 which is our final f2f day.

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